ZUC Algorithm
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Limitation of values in LFSR

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Limitation of values in LFSR Empty Limitation of values in LFSR

Post  james629 Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:24 am

Hi all,

I'm interested to know the reasoning behind restricting the set to {1,2,3,...,2^31 -1}

Is zero not allowed in any of S_0 to S_15 on the basis that this will rule out the one problem of ALL elements being zero ?

Thank you


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Join date : 2011-11-29
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Limitation of values in LFSR Empty Re: Limitation of values in LFSR

Post  Steve Babbage Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:30 am

A fundamental feature of the ZUC design is that the registers operate over the field with (2^31 - 1) elements. The set of possible elements could have been represented either as {0,1,2,...,2^31 -2}
or as {1,2,3,...,2^31 -1}; the designers chose the latter.

Steve Babbage

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-08-02

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Limitation of values in LFSR Empty Re: Limitation of values in LFSR

Post  james629 Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:30 pm


On page 22 of Document 4: Design and Evaluation Report, it states that "during the feedback process of the 16-stage LFSR, the value 0 should be replaced by p" and I see that in v1.5 of Document 2 this is done for the pseudo code LFSRWithInitialisationMode and LFSRWithWorkMode, but in the given example code it is only done for the C function LFSRWithInitialisationMode, and not LFSRWithWorkMode.

In v1.6 both LFSRWithInitialisationMode and LFSRWithWorkMode do not contain the expected code:

/* adjust LFSR_S15 if LFSR_S15 is zero */
if ( LFSR_S15 == 0 )
   LFSR_S15 = 0x7FFFFFFF;

Can anyone explain?

Kindest regards


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Join date : 2011-11-29
Location : UK

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Limitation of values in LFSR Empty Re: Limitation of values in LFSR

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