ZUC Algorithm
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hi。。how about this~???

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hi。。how about this~??? Empty hi。。how about this~???

Post  mouse_lhj Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:42 am

HOW about the output of this algorithm,does it convenient to use,and another question,how to bring zuc to encryption


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hi。。how about this~??? Empty Re: hi。。how about this~???

Post  Xiutao Feng Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:21 am

On how to use ZUC to encrypt a message, please refer to 128-EEA3, which is one of methods using ZUC.

Indeed ZUC is a synchronous stream cipher. When you prepare to use ZUC to encrypt a message, you first use the initial key IK and the initial vector IV to control ZUC to generat some keystream, then you can XOR the message directly with the keystream you get at the first step, and get the corresponding ciphertexts. Similarly, when decrypting ciphertexts, you use the same IK and IV to control ZUC to generate the keystream in the same way, and then xor ciphertexts with them directly, and finally get the message.

Xiutao Feng

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-08-20

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